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We can clean it! - the menstrual cup in the public toilet
Team info
Sofia Fonda
Italy (Italia)

We can clean it! - the menstrual cup in the public toilet

The challenge

Cleaning the menstrual cup in the daily routine requires running water, which is not present in most of the public toilet cubicles. Women need to find alternative ways to clean it in case of necessity. If they decide to walk out of the toilet cubicle and clean the cup in the sinks in the common room, they know they are doing something that is not commonly acceptable, expected nor legitimised. Moreover, women can't take all their belongings with them when cleaning the cup so they are forced to leave them in the cubicle or somewhere else.

The solution

Legitimising women introducing a dispenser with specific soap for the menstrual cup and a sign to keep the toilet cubicle occupied while cleaning it. - The dispenser makes it clear that cleaning the cup is possible, acceptable and expected in that toilet and provides the right soap for the intimate pH. - The sign on the door makes it possible to reserve the single toilet while the woman is cleaning the cup so that no one will question about her belongings. Also, the toilet will be kept free as she will need to re-insert the clean menstrual cup.

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